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English translation for "output quotas"


Related Translations:
unallocated quota:  全球配额, 未分配份额
credit quota:  信贷规模银行同业拆借市场
annual quota:  年度定额年度配额
setting quotas:  确定定额
quota ceiling:  配额上限
drainage quota:  排水定额
guaranteed quota:  保证限额
allocated quotas:  国别配额, 分配配额
quota sample:  配额样本限额样本
absolute quotas:  绝对配额
Example Sentences:
1.Historical thoughts on household based fixing output quotas
2.An analysis into the system of the fixing of farm output quotas for each household
3.Where farm output quotas are fixed by household , the production teams still constitute the main economic units
4.Truly , fixing of farm output quotas for each household and family contract for the duty system symbolize the end of people ' s commune and the realization of farmer ' s property rights
5.The 10 members of opec with quotas , all except iraq , decided last month to raise their output quota by 2 million barrels to 25 . 5 million barrels a day as of last thursday , and by a further 500 , 000 barrels a day aug . 1
6.In some places where production teams form the accounting units , new situations have appeared , such as fixing farm output quotas for each household , holding households fully responsible for the farmland they work , and implementing the principle of " five unifications "
有些以生产队为核算单位的地方,现在出现了一些新的情况,如实行“包产到户” 、 “责任到田” 、 “五统一”等等。
7.By investigating the development of fixing farm output quotas for each household in 1950s and 1960s , the author found out that , during the process of starting , promoting and hindering the changes in rural system , local cadres of all levels had significantly influenced the changes due to their difference in value concept and behavior orientation
8.This innovation , which is in the same case with the fixing of farm output quotas for each household and self - government of villagers in countryside hi china , is under the leadership of the party and can surly be regarded as a great practice of relying upon the people to create a happy life for themselves
9.With the development of the electric power sector reformation , which performances at the core of separation between power plants and grid as well as the output quota at the basis of competitive prices , the former heilongjiang electric power company reforms as the heilongjiang electric grid company ( referred as the grid company hereafter ) through peels off the power generating assets
Similar Words:
"output queue" English translation, "output queue file" English translation, "output queue number" English translation, "output queue table" English translation, "output quota" English translation, "output radiation" English translation, "output range" English translation, "output rate" English translation, "output rate per hour" English translation, "output rating" English translation